Year Three of WordsofWisTIM

May 13, 2016. The third anniversary of WordsofWisTIM.

Now a far better critic and experienced writer, I still enjoy looking back at the pieces I’ve put together over the years for this platform. Some were bad and I shake my head reading them but that’s how we grow, how we evolve. Now a college graduate, I feel refreshed and free. I’m ready to fly. There’s more of a flow to my writing and I look forward to the continued expansion of that, to my endeavors in journalism, my continued attempts to ascend to something greater, to transcend and to be the best critic I can be here on WordsofWisTIM. If you’re still here after all these years, thanks. Hope it’s been worth the ride.

2015 was quite the year for movies and I’ve been pushing off my review of 2015’s brightest and mundane for a while. 2015 had some true gems and I still find it hard to believe that the cinema of the year is behind us. With that said, the Best of 2015 feature will be up on what I’m now calling Feature Friday. Don’t expect features weekly because it’s not happening but I think Feature Friday would be a nice way to end the work week.

You’ll see some posts on my ongoing series, including Best Picture Journey, BVF and Winners and Losers. Now, it’s time to take one final look back at what made Year Three so great. Some of these pieces I didn’t get to review. Reviews will be linked when the reviews are published.

Top Ten

1. Captain America: Civil War: 98

2. The Revenant

3. Jurassic World

4. Avengers: Age of Ultron: 95

5. The Hateful Eight

6. Deadpool: 93

7. Star Wars: The Force Awakens

8. Chappie: 92

9. Ant-Man

10. Concussion

Worst of the Worst

10. The Ridiculous 6: 40

9. The Gunman: 29

8. The Boy Next Door: 28

7. Fantastic Four: 28

6. Catwoman: 26

5. The Visit: 25

4. Avalanche Sharks: 21

3. Cyborg: 14

2. The Coed and the Zombie Stoner: 13

1. The Forbidden Dimensions: 9

And now, here is the all-time top ten. A disclaimer: This list is imperfect, as are my scores. As we grow, things imprint upon us differently. I’m no longer as high on Miracle or 42 as I once was but Miracle still made the cut. If it was up to present-day Tim, it wouldn’t but this is an ongoing, changing list. Want to have a discussion about your favorite flicks? I’d be up for that. A reminder I will update this list once I write reviews on The Revenant and Jurassic World.

The Return of the King remains at its rightful throne. Hands down the best I’ve reviewed on this blog to date. With the exception of Miracle, everything on this list is where I’d put it if I had to do it over, though a few points might be shaved off of some of these scores. The sewage suckers, however, will receive no mercy from me. They can stay in the basement forever and rot. No regrets there.

New arrivals to the list include Captain America: Civil War, probably The Revenant and possibly Jurassic World. On the wrong side of the coin, Cyborg and The Coed and the Zombie Stoner were real horror shows, but were outdone by The Forbidden Dimensions, scoring my second single-digit score here on WordsofWisTim, an astounding nine out of 100. This will be my 351st post. The goal is to surpass 400 by May 2017, an easy benchmark. As long as I’m averaging 100 posts a year, I can be happy with that. Here’s to an amazing fourth year!

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