About the Penman

Dear fellow bloggers and readers,

I’m just a guy trying to figure my life out. I’ve always had a skill when it comes to writing and when I first started this blog years ago, that’s what it was, a canvas to learn how to paint, per se. These last few years have been rough for my creativity and me as an individual. I no longer have a regular posting schedule. I’ve tried to stick to one, used to do twice a week but I have a variety of interests and hobbies and it just became stressful, like a chore, instead of something I loved. Writing is one of the few things in this world I might be good at and I don’t ever want to lose that. I want it to be natural and organic, which means some stretches I’ll be churning out content and some weeks I won’t have wool on the wheel (is that an expression? Does it make sense?)

I enjoy writing sports features and life pieces and don’t want this to only be a movie discussion board. I guess I want WordsofWisTIM to be my little niche in the world, something I can call my own.

I’ve gotten into comedy writing lately and also enjoy songwriting. Basically, I don’t like to restrict myself. I like to explore the positive elements of my mind whenever possible.

Dexter is my favorite show. I don’t watch a lot of television but I’m a huge Walking Dead fan and I strongly recommend House of Cards, It’s Okay to Not Be Okay, Stranger Things and Breaking Bad. I’ve also had some fun with Bates Motel and Gotham. I’ve begone perusing anime and have so far thoroughly enjoyed Sword Art Online, Death Note, Attack on Titan and Demon Slayer.

If you love my content, I’d encourage you to give me a follow on Twitter, @WisTim55. I tweet a lot of sports stuff but you’ll see me parade my humor and life thoughts around as well. I also aggregate journalism content from reputable news outlets.


I’ve been blogging for a while now and as I’ve gone along, I’ve gotten stricter and more practiced in my critiques. All scores should not be compared to one another, especially films of different genres. If you want to know what I think’s better, just shoot me a comment.

Thanks for visiting and have a good one,


19 thoughts on “About the Penman

  1. Victor De Leon says:

    I like your blog, Tim. Good luck, man! You have a great page here. Maintaining one is a lot of hard work, too. I’m sure you’ll do great. Keep it fun and keep it honest. If you ever need any help or tips or whatever just give me a shout. – Vic

    • Thanks a bunch for reading and for the feedback, Vic. I totally agree with you about the typical 19 yr-old. I always have tried to set myself apart from the norm, in a good way of course. People really don’t notice the impacts their actions have sometimes and it really bugs me. My parents have always said think about what you’re doing/saying before you do/say it. It seems obvious to me the world would be a better place if people followed that same advice.

  2. CCY says:

    Keep up those reviews, they are very interesting to read!


  3. Tom says:

    Hey Tim, just thought that I’d let you know I’ve added you to my DSB Blogroll. Been really enjoying reading your thoughts over here. Should have done this awhile ago, but it has been done now! Good day to you, sir!!! 😉

  4. CCY says:

    Hey Tim, I was your friend on steam (tf2) a few years ago, and ever since that day, I have read a lot of your reviews. I don’t know if you remember me, but to this day, I still read them because they are very helpful, and I just came in to say thanks and keep up the great work!

    your friend CCY

    • Hey bud! It’s actually been only a few months since we last hung out. Thanks for helping out the cause. If you plan on getting back on TF2 regularly again, hit me up for a friend request.

  5. CCY says:

    I actually don’t play TF2 anymore, I am more into studying, basketball, and youtube nowadays lol, but I will still keep in touch with you and read your great reviews! also, write more reviews! I can wait to watch new movies.


  6. CCY says:

    Hello Tim
    After reading all your reviews, I have finally decided to make a movie blog just like yours. You inspired me to do this and I am very thankful for that. I wanted to ask you if you had any tips or suggestions on how to start and any thoughts you have. Thanks again, and I will keep in touch with you.

    Your friend CCY

  7. CCY says:

    Actually, I can’t access my steam account right now because I’m not really allowed to be playing games, I should be doing homework or reading or something….

  8. CCY says:

    Can you think of another site we can use for communication?

  9. CCY says:

    My site is ccymoviereviews.wordpress.com, and it’s definitely still work in progress.

  10. ccythemovieguy says:

    I have added u on skype already Tim 😀

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